Pagination and Filtering

When working with the TMDB API, many endpoints return large datasets. To manage this data efficiently, our API supports pagination and filtering.


Pagination allows you to retrieve a subset of the available data by specifying the number of items to return.

Most endpoints that return a list of items (e.g., movies, TV shows, or people) are paginated. This means the results are split into smaller chunks (pages) to improve performance and usability.

How Pagination Works

By default, our API returns the first page, when you do not select any page.

You can control which page of results to retrieve using the page query parameter.

The response includes metadata about the total number of pages and results.

Example Request

To retrieve the second page of popular movies:


Response Structure

The response includes the following pagination-related fields:

  "page": 2,
  "results": [
    // List of items
  "total_pages": 500,
  "total_results": 10000
  • page: The current page number.

  • results: The list of items for the current page.

  • total_pages: The total number of pages available.

  • total_results: The total number of items across all pages.


Many endpoints allow you to filter results based on specific criteria. Filtering is done using query parameters in the request URL.

Here are some commonly used filter parameters:

languageFilter results by language (e.g., en-US).&language=en-US
regionFilter results by region (e.g., US).&region=US
yearFilter movies or TV shows by release year.&year=2020
sort_bySort results by a specific field (e.g., popularity.desc).&sort_by=popularity.desc
with_genresFilter movies or TV shows by genre IDs.&with_genres=28,12
with_keywordsFilter results by keyword IDs.&with_keywords=1234,5678
with_castFilter results by cast member IDs.&with_cast=123,456
with_crewFilter results by crew member IDs.&with_crew=789,101
with_companiesFilter results by production company IDs&with_companies=123,456
certificationFilter results by certification (e.g., PG-13).&certification=PG-13
include_adultInclude adult content in results (true/false).&include_adult=true
include_videoInclude video content in results (true/false).&include_video=true
primary_release_yearFilter movies by primary release year.&primary_release_year=2018
pageSpecify the page number for paginated results.&page=2
append_to_responseAppend additional data (e.g., credits, videos, similar) to the response.&append_to_response=credits,videos,similar

Filtered Request

To retrieve popular movies released in 2020 with a minimum vote average of 7:


Combining Pagination and Filtering

You can combine pagination and filtering to retrieve specific subsets of data.

For example, to get the third page of action movies with a (genre_id=28) sorted by popularity: