This page defines technical terms, acronyms, and concepts used throughout the documentation to help users understand the API better.
This glossary defines key terms, acronyms, and concepts used in the TMDB API documentation. Use this page as a reference to better understand the API and its functionality.
- API (Application Programming Interface)
A set of protocols and tools that allows software applications to communicate with each other. TMDB’s API enables developers to access movie, TV show, and actor data programmatically.
- API Key
A unique identifier used to authenticate requests to the TMDB API. Developers must register for an API key to access TMDB’s data.
- Append-to-Response
A feature in the TMDB API that allows developers to request additional data (e.g., credits, videos) in a single API call by appending parameters to the endpoint.
The process of verifying a user’s identity to grant access to specific API features (e.g., rating movies, creating lists). TMDB supports authentication via API tokens.
- Account
A user profile on TMDB that allows individuals to interact with the platform, rate movies, create lists, and more. API users can authenticate using their account credentials.
- Backdrop
A wide image used as a background in TMDB, typically representing a movie, TV show, or collection. Backdrops are often used in UI designs.
- Backdrop Path
The file path to a backdrop image in TMDB’s image storage. This path is used to construct the full image URL by combining it with the base image URL.
- Base URL
The root URL for accessing TMDB’s API (e.g., All API endpoints are built upon this base URL.
- Bearer Token
A type of token used for authentication in API requests. It is included in the Authorization header of HTTP requests.
- Budget
The estimated production cost of a movie. TMDB provides budget information for movies where available.
- Cast
A list of actors and their roles in a movie or TV show. The cast is a key part of the credits data provided by TMDB.
- Certification
A rating assigned to a movie or TV show by a certification body (e.g., MPAA, BBFC). TMDB provides certification details for content in various regions.
- Collection
A group of movies or TV shows that are part of a series or franchise (e.g., the Marvel Cinematic Universe). TMDB provides collection data, including titles, posters, and overviews.
- Credits
Detailed information about the cast and crew involved in a movie or TV show. This includes actors, directors, producers, and other roles.
- Crew
A list of individuals involved in the production of a movie or TV show, excluding the cast. This includes directors, writers, producers, and more.
- Data Object
A structured set of data returned by the TMDB API, typically in JSON format. Examples include movie objects, TV show objects, and person objects.
- Documentation
The official guide provided by TMDB to help developers understand and use the API effectively. It includes details about endpoints, parameters, and responses.
- Discover
An endpoint in the TMDB API that allows developers to find movies and TV shows based on filters such as genre, release date, and popularity.
- Endpoint
A specific URL within the TMDB API that provides access to a particular resource or functionality (e.g., /movie/{movie_id}
for movie details).
- Episode
A single installment of a TV show. TMDB provides detailed information about episodes, including titles, air dates, and summaries.
- External ID
A unique identifier used by other platforms (e.g., IMDb, Facebook) to reference movies, TV shows, or people. TMDB provides mappings for external IDs.
- File Path
The path to an image or file in TMDB’s storage system. This path is combined with the base image URL to construct the full URL for accessing the file.
- Filter
A parameter used to narrow down API results based on specific criteria (e.g., genre, release year, language).
- Featured Crew
A subset of the crew that includes key roles such as directors, writers, and producers. TMDB highlights featured crew members in its API responses.
- Genre
A category of movies or TV shows based on themes, styles, or narratives (e.g., Action, Comedy, Drama). TMDB provides genre IDs and names for filtering content.
- Guest Session
A temporary session that allows unauthenticated users to perform limited actions, such as rating movies, without creating a full account.
- HTTP Methods
The actions performed in API requests, such as GET (retrieve data), POST (create data), PUT (update data), and DELETE (remove data).
- HTTP Status Codes
Standardized codes returned by the TMDB API to indicate the result of a request (e.g., 200 for success, 404 for not found, 401 for unauthorized).
- Homepage
The official website or landing page for a movie, TV show, or person. TMDB provides homepage URLs where available.
- ID (Identifier)
A unique numeric value assigned to movies, TV shows, actors, and other entities in TMDB. IDs are used to retrieve specific details from the API.
- Image Configuration
Settings that define the base URL and available sizes for images (e.g., posters, backdrops) in TMDB. This configuration is used to construct image URLs dynamically.
A unique identifier used by IMDb (Internet Movie Database) to reference movies, TV shows, or people. TMDB provides mappings for IMDb IDs.
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
A lightweight data format used by the TMDB API to structure and return data. JSON is easy to read and parse in most programming languages.
- Keyword
A term or phrase used to describe the themes, topics, or elements of a movie or TV show. TMDB provides keyword data for content.
- Language
The language in which movie or TV show data is returned. TMDB supports multiple languages, and developers can specify their preferred language using the language parameter.
- List
A user-created collection of movies or TV shows. TMDB allows authenticated users to create, update, and delete lists.
- Logo
An image representing a production company, network, or studio. TMDB provides logo data for companies and networks.
- Movie
A film or motion picture. TMDB provides detailed information about movies, including titles, release dates, ratings, and more.
Movie ID A unique numeric identifier assigned to a movie in TMDB. This ID is used to retrieve specific movie details from the API.
Media Type
A category of content, such as movie, tv, or person. TMDB uses media types to differentiate between different kinds of data.
- Metadata
Additional information about a movie, TV show, or person, such as runtime, release date, and production details.
- Network
A company or organization responsible for producing or distributing a TV show. TMDB provides network details, including names and logos.
- Now Playing
A list of movies currently showing in theaters. TMDB provides this data through the /movie/now_playing endpoint.
- Original Title
The title of a movie or TV show in its original language. TMDB provides both original and translated titles.
Pagination A method of dividing large sets of data into smaller, manageable chunks (pages). TMDB uses pagination for endpoints that return multiple results (e.g., search results).
An individual involved in the entertainment industry, such as an actor, director, or producer. TMDB provides detailed information about people, including their filmography.
- Person ID
A unique numeric identifier assigned to a person in TMDB. This ID is used to retrieve specific person details from the API.
- Poster
A vertical image representing a movie, TV show, or collection. Posters are commonly used in UI designs and promotional materials.
- Poster Path
The file path to a poster image in TMDB’s image storage. This path is used to construct the full image URL by combining it with the base image URL.
- Popularity
A metric used by TMDB to rank movies, TV shows, and people based on user engagement and interest.
- Query
A search term or parameter used to find specific movies, TV shows, or people in the TMDB database.
A beginner-friendly tutorial provided by TMDB to help developers make an API request.
- Rate Limiting
A restriction on the number of API requests a user can make within a specific time period. TMDB enforces rate limits to ensure fair usage of its API.
- Rating
A score assigned to a movie or TV show by users or critics. TMDB provides both average ratings and vote counts.
- Request
An HTTP call made to the TMDB API to retrieve or manipulate data. Requests typically include an API key and optional parameters.
- Response
The data returned by the TMDB API after processing a request. Responses are usually in JSON format and include the requested information or error details.
- Release Date
The date a movie or TV show was first released. TMDB provides release dates for different regions.
- Search Query
A string of text used to search for movies, TV shows, or people in the TMDB database. The API provides endpoints for performing searches.
- Season
A group of episodes in a TV show, typically released as part of a single production cycle. TMDB provides detailed information about seasons, including episode lists.
- Session
A temporary connection between a user and the TMDB API, often used for authentication or maintaining user-specific data.
- Status
The current state of a movie or TV show (e.g., “Released,” “In Production”). TMDB provides status information for content.
TV Show A television series or program. TMDB provides detailed information about TV shows, including episodes, seasons, and cast.
TV Show ID
A unique numeric identifier assigned to a TV show in TMDB. This ID is used to retrieve specific TV show details from the API.
- Trending
A list of movies, TV shows, or people that are currently popular or gaining traction. TMDB provides trending data through the /trending endpoint.
- Tagline
A short, memorable phrase used to promote a movie or TV show. TMDB provides taglines for content where available.
The process of verifying a user’s identity to grant access to specific API features (e.g., rating movies, creating lists). TMDB supports authentication via API tokens.
- User Rating
A score assigned to a movie or TV show by a specific user. TMDB allows authenticated users to submit ratings.
- Vote Average
The average rating given to a movie or TV show by TMDB users. This is calculated based on the total number of votes and their values.
- Vote Count
The total number of user votes submitted for a movie or TV show on TMDB. This metric indicates the popularity or engagement level of the content.
- Video
A trailer, teaser, or clip associated with a movie or TV show. TMDB provides video data, including URLs and types (e.g., YouTube).
- Watchlist
A list of movies or TV shows that a user plans to watch. TMDB allows authenticated users to add items to their watchlist.
Need More Help?
If you encounter a term or concept that isn’t covered here, please refer to the TMDB Guide or visit our Community Forums.